Sandhi House – Friday 29, Saturday 30 sept and Sunday 1 octo 2023
Energy that flows.
In these three days we go for destiny, for coming home, for connection, loving intimacy and inner peace. We also go for life energy, pleasure and unused potential. We do this with System and Family Constellations (SFC) and yoga, old and deep-earthed paths that have proved their special benefit.
Strange at these times? More and more energetic, intelligent and motivated people are at risk of dropping out. They lose their appetite for life. They are also tired. The body fails and the mind is so restless. Unheimlich, displaced, uprooted… In our time we are told that everything, including happiness and love, is makeable and controllable, and you get it when you do your best enough. In this order, we look at our lives from the perspective: what do I want from life? What do I want to do with my life? What do I want to make of my life …?
In these three days we ask these questions from a different perspective. Not from the ego, but from life: what does life want from me? What does life want to do to me? What am I here for? What assignment, purpose, command, task, call is there for me? And the answer is also of a completely different order. This is about mission and destiny. Destiny is a place or a state of being in which we can arrive, feeling at home, feel energy flowing and convert into meaningful creations. This is about our complete existence, about our integral life. It’s about the whole. To be whole. This includes love and friendship (who accepts me, and who can I accept myself so, that I and the other can completely feel safe and at home), creativity and work (what would be my contribution to humanity and the planet?) and praying and spirituality (which greater dimension offers me inner peace and connection with the whole?).
Anyone who surrenders to her mission and her destiny also feels that energy is going to flow. Life energy. Energy of a different order than what’s presented to us in all kinds of magazines and articles on health and psychology. Energy that bubbles up freely, which is generous, which gives itself with love, which brings freedom and pleasure as from an inexhaustible source.
Indicates your body that something is wrong (discouraged, tired, exhausted, pain, …), are you alone and also lonely (intimate relationships fail again and again ), you cannot harvest professionally even if you invest so much, you are depressed and you do not feel like living and you have already tried a lot without real change… then these three days are a gift for you. Take it!
System and family constellations: energetic and in the right direction.
SFC makes us more freer from collective dynamics that lie behind the inability or the failure to find our mission and destiny, to let life energy flow through us and to find our place in the greater whole. Constellations allow us to get out of the limiting and obstructive dynamics and (finally), to break through patterns that we have been struggling with for a long time. For example, an SFC often means a great leap forward in a growth or healing process.
With SFC we enter the systemic field, that, like yoga, is as old as humanity. Healers, shamans, wizards use the energy and information released in family and system constellations. In these three days we will mainly make illuminating systemic movements in groups of 4 or 5, with a systematic structure, regarding destiny, life energy and unused potential. This makes the harvest the largest for everyone. Of course, we also do some constellations.
Yoga and systemic work: a unique, life-giving combination
During the yoga sessions, the focus will be on breathing. Breathing connects to the life energy (chi, prana) and the meditations make our destination clearer. Yoga practice makes us more physically, mentally and emotionally free and we feel the life energy flowing. This means that we come back into connection with and become aware of our body and dare to listen to it. So more out of our minds and in our bodies. In this way we calm our nervous system. We arrive in “the gracious here and now”. We connect mind and body. And so, we meet what our body has stored, covered and pushed away (trauma), in order to protect and survive us in this way. At the same time, this strategy is holding us back from surrendering to life energy and the destiny waiting for us. Core movement for this process is indeed the surrender and daring to merge into a larger whole.
Create a supported space together to learn and grow.
During the sessions, our ability to clarify our destiny and surrender to life energy and see unknown potential grows. The growth process that becomes visible requires courage, practice, discipline, warriorship. During these three days we make a “holding space” in which everyone can make contact with the flow of real-life energy and hear the call of his destiny. Three days in which we look at our own lives, let ourselves be touched by something greater than ourselves, and gain energy and wisdom to grasp it and shape it, freely and appropriately. With a lot of silence and humor too. Where there is room for pleasure and joy. Days when you can breathe deeply and the life energy in each of us, every man and woman, becomes tangible and finds its orientation.
Yoga is wisdom. It allows us to discover what can be left behind. No matter how deep it has rooted in our being. System and Family Constellations also have some of this wisdom: they humb us, invite us to follow the call of our destiny to surrender to the life energy. And by really living yourself, honoring life itself.
Friday 29, Saturday 30 sept and Sunday 1 octo 2023 at Sandhi House, Ericeira. 40’ from Lisbon.
Welcome at 9:00 AM. Start 09:30 and we will finish around 6:00 PM. Sunday 4:00 PM. Every day starts and ends with a yoga or chi-flow session. In between the intensive systemic work sessions with systemic movements and constellations, Claeren threats us with chi-flow and meditation moments.
One of the sessions we foresee to make a painting.
Delicious healthy fresh veggie meals, fruit, coffee, tea and water will be provided.
Please indicate specific dietary requirements such as gluten-free, lactose-free, .. when registering.
Prices: 470-550€ sliding scale, exc. accommodation. Those who can afford to pay 550€ make it possible for those with fewer means to participate for 470€. In this way, we make it accessible for everyone.
Anyone can participate regardless of your experience with SFO or your mobility and level in Yoga. Loose clothing is recommended. All material is present.
Claeren Smets is a basic training teacher of physical education. She works as a breath coach and qualified practitioner of the trigger point and pain reset method. Here the focus is on healing from emotional trauma, chronic pain, fatigue, anxiety and listlessness. It combines various yoga flows in function of the recovery process. She developed herself the very powerful ‘body-mind reset’ method for chronic pain. Contact by mail:, insta: or tel: 0032 497 37 47 04
Johan Smets works as psychotherapist, homoeopath and facilitator of System and Family Constellations (S. F.C). In 2007 he is certificated for the basic and for the Follow-up course F.C. (2009) by Jan Jacob Stam and Bibi Schreuder, Ursula Franke, Christine Essen and Guni Baixa; For “Organisational Constellations” by Jan Jacob Stam (2009), Constellations with “health, illness and symptoms” by Stefan Hausner (2010). All at the Bert Hellinger Institute Groningen. “Trauma work” with Ursula Franke, Munich (2013) and “Reconstructive Constellations” with Carola Castillo, Groningen (2012 and 2014). His skills are deepened by workshops given by Bert Hellinger himself and eminent teachers as: Jacob Schneider, Johannes Benedikt Schmidt, Eelco de Geus, Anngwyn St. Just. Contact:
We are looking forward to meet you there
Claeren and Johan.